Asbestos in Roofing: What Was It and Why Was It Used?

Asbestos in Roofing

Asbestos was once a popular material used in roofing. It was praised for its durability and fire-resistant properties. However, we now know that asbestos is dangerous to human health, and it has been banned in many countries. It’s important to check your home for asbestos in the roofing due to these health concerns and address it immediately. So, what was asbestos, and why was it used?

History of asbestos roofing

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once mined and used in a variety of products, including roofing. It was especially popular in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. Asbestos-cement roofing became available in 1907 and quickly gained popularity due to its durability and fire-resistant properties.

As asbestos use became more widespread, concerns about its safety began to emerge. In the 1960s, studies began to link asbestos exposure to serious health problems, including cancer. As a result, asbestos use began to decline in the 1970s. By the early 1990s, most countries had banned or restricted its use.

Despite the bans, asbestos continues to be used in some countries, and it can still be found in older homes and buildings. If your home was built before the 1990s, it may have asbestos-containing roofing materials. These materials can release asbestos fibers into the air if they are damaged or disturbed. inhaling these fibers can cause serious health problems, including cancer.

If you suspect that your roofing material contains asbestos, do not try to remove it yourself. Asbestos removal is a complex and dangerous process that should only be performed by trained and certified professionals. If you need to have asbestos-containing materials removed from your home, please contact a qualified asbestos removal contractor for more information.

Why was asbestos used?

Due to its heat resistance and fiber strength, asbestos was heavily used during the first half of the 20th century for both insulation and as a fire retardant. The material offered several obvious benefits, such as sound proofing, water resistance, and reinforcement, and was relatively cheap.

Unfortunately, though we now know that asbestos is dangerous to human health, asbestos was once used in a variety of products, including roofing materials, insulation, brake pads, and pipe wrap for its durability and fire-resistant properties. Since discovering the health concerns, asbestos has been banned or restricted in many countries.

Despite the bans, asbestos continues to be used in some countries, and remains in some older homes. If you suspect that your home contains asbestos-containing materials, please contact a qualified asbestos removal contractor for more information.

My roof may have asbestos

If you think your roof may contain asbestos, the first step is to have it inspected by a trained and certified professional. If asbestos is found, you will need to create a plan with your contractor to remove it. Asbestos removal is a complex and dangerous process that should only be performed by trained and certified professionals.

If you decide to remove asbestos from your home, please contact a qualified asbestos removal contractor for more information. Once the asbestos has been removed, you will need to have your roof repaired or replaced. Please contact a qualified roofing contractor for more information.

Buying a home with asbestos

If you are buying a home that was built before the 1990s, it is important to have it inspected for asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos removal is a complex and dangerous process that should only be performed by trained and certified professionals. You may have to budget to have the asbestos removed if the home has asbestos in the shingles. This can be an added expense in your home process. If you must replace your roof, be sure to work with professionals experienced in working with asbestos and doing roof replacements.

Can my asbestos roof replacement be covered by home insurance?

In most cases, no. Asbestos removal is considered a repair, and most insurance policies do not cover repairs. However, you may be able to get coverage for asbestos removal if it is required by your local government or if your home has been damaged by the elements. Please contact your insurance agent for more information.

If you find yourself needing a roof replacement due to asbestos in your shingling, you can trust our team at Able Roof to take care of your home. Our experienced professionals will install a roof that will keep your home safe and protected. To find out more about replacing your roof and your options, contact Able Roof today.

Able Roofing

Professional exterior renovation company in Columbus, Ohio specializing in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, masonry and insulation.

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